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Dance Company Lisa Lareida

Personal work

My own dance productions combine dance, anatomy, architecture and technology. I explore abstract approaches and experience how they subconsciously trigger an examination of social issues. In the broad interpretive space, the audience members find an individual approach to a theme, but always also experience themselves as part of an encounter in a common language.  

SENSORAMA 21. 22. & 23. Juni 2024 - Koproduktion Tanzhaus Bern

BEGEGNUNG ist der erste Teil des dreiteiligen Tanzabends SENSORAMA und setzt sich mit der Distanz und Nähe von menschen auseinander. Der zweite Teil, ZWISCHENSPIEL, widmet sich dem Hören und der dritte Teil, ERINNERUNG, dem Sehen. Ein Abend, bei dem eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Sinnen im Zentrum steht und das Publikum deren Zusammenspiel neu entdecken lässt.

ZWISCHENSPIEL 2023 - BETA Residence & Performance

ZWISCHENSPIEL beschäftigt sich mit dem Moment dazwischen: Mit "leerer" Zeit, die uns keine Wahl lässt als zu warten, und uns Wartenden alsbald einem kribbligen Unbehagen aussetzt. Glücklicherweise folgt solchen Momenten dazwischen das Absurde auf dem Fuße.


Am 9. September wird das Kurzstück beim BETA Festival zum ersten Mal aufgeführt.


Lisa Lareida

Konzept, Produktion & Choreografie

Nora Werren

Research & Tanz

Regula Mahler

Research & Tanz

Vanessa Wüst


Luz Gonzalez


Bildschirmfoto 2023-07-08 um 20.30.13.png


Zunftgesellschaft zu Schmieden Bern

Gesellschaft zu Schuhmachern

Burgergemeinde Bern

Gemeinde Köniz

Swisslos Kanton Bern

Decay 2021 - Research

We perceive the disintegration at the moment when the stability of a system is endangered and a dissolution becomes apparent. But does the disintegration necessarily mean the end of a system? Does the decay not take place in its final meaning? Or is the disintegration in reality much more a reconstruction that transforms a system from one state to the next and thus represents an ongoing process? 

A thematic discussion begins with these questions, which is linked to the movement system developed in my last production “InTension”. The aim of my research is to enable and research the experience of decay - reconstruction / transformation of the dance communication system. For this purpose, research and choreography methods are developed that use digital organization and communication tools, as well as the technology of virtual spaces: a digital-analog experiment that challenges decay and brings with it the possibility of a movement transformation. 


Lisa Lareida

Concept, production &  choreography

Sarah Elena Liechti

Production management & dance

Nina  Stadler


Aldir Polymeris

Concept, strategy & development

Valentin Huber

Visual artist

Regula Mahler


Nora Werren


Giulia Spada


Joana Hermes


Vanessa Wüst


Andreas Lareida



Culture city of Bern

Swisslos Culture Canton Bern

Migros culture percentage

Civic Community of Bern

Buildings insurance Bern

InTension 2020 - Production

The dance piece “InTension” combines anatomy and architecture as one and the same structure and deals with a central commonality of these two worlds, the tensegrity system. The fascial structures of our body are built according to this model, in which solid parts are connected to one another by elastic trains. Fascia is on everyone's lips. But what significance does this holistic system, which can also be found in similar forms in architecture, have for the human body?

In «InTension», nineteen heterogeneous dancers immerse themselves in the subject of tensegrity, the eye normally recognizing hidden inner traits and, while dancing, construct increasingly complex images of this dynamic systematics.


Lisa Lareida

Concept, production &  choreography

Regula Mahler

Research, Development & Dance

Nina  Stadler

Final choreography 

Andreas Lareida


Fernanda Ramos

Music & dance

Nicole Pfister

Picture & film  Preliminary products, dance

Daniel Tschanz

Lighting design

Jamina Dervishaj


Anna Zimmermann

Film documentation

Phil Wenger

Image documentation

Dancers: inside

Günhan Akarcay, Simona Attanasio, Irina Beutler, Nathalie Bregnard, Petra Gerber, Joana Hermes, Anne Iseli, Sabrina Jud, Sarah Elena Liechti, Daniela Mäder, Nora Meuli, diana Ott, Ronald Peter, Giulia Spada, Petra Stillhart, Vanessa Wüst, Mara Peyer, Ilaria Rabagliati, Anna Lena Jahn, Valeria Tolonen


Culture city of Bern

Swisslos Culture Canton Bern

Civic Community of Bern

Buildings insurance Bern

Society of Ober-Gerwern

Ballroom Bern

Theater am Käfigturm

Urban green Bern

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